Which branch of Engg is best?–How to select good Engineering branches for admissions?

Engineering Branches list and which branch of engg is best...
Some of the Engineering branches mostly all JNTU Colleges are offered these branches, there so many engg. Branches are there in AP, but we can provide commonly used branches and present trending branches.
Engineering branches list:

The following branches are offered at present for specialization for B.Tech courses
  • Aeronautical Engineering: As an aeronautical engineer, you will deal with the development of new technology in aviation, space exploration and defence systems.
  • Bio-technology 
  • Civil engineering: There are lots of job opportunities available in this field. Civil engineers enjoy considerable variety in their work.
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Computer Science and System Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Electronics and Computer Engineering
  • Electronics and Control Engineering
  • Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engineering has a wider choice to work, and greater variety of jobs, than is possible in any other course. 
  • Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics)
Which branch of engg is best? In the above list, it’s some difficult to answer but you can choose best branch based on your interest it is life turning point and better job opportunities immediately after completion of your course.

How to choose the right Engineering Branch?
This is the most difficult question to answer why because of based your interest you can choose your fields, there no answer for this one, but present trend select ECE branch. Engineering (B.Tech) is a regular 4 years degree course. So friends what you say present trend which branch is best in engineering course suggest to your friends by providing your valuable comments.

How to select which branch of engg is best?
This is only for understanding purpose only,
First all students should know Engineering branches list
Second step is which field you have interested and you have basic knowledge on that one is better.
Now what are the subjects involved in that branch in 4 years course which you have selected.

But we can say is their hard work and good skill in your hand all branches are equal scope.
Hi every one if you like this share with your friends and suggest which branch of engg is best? In present trending system to get better jobs along good salary immediately after completion of course.