Original Certificates list to attend TS ECET 2017 Certificates verification

List of original Certificates to attend Telangana ECET 2017 Counselling in https://tsecet.nic.in/....
Original Certificates list to attend TS ECET 2017 Certificates verification now in online, for information we can update those details for you, please check these certificates before attending the Telangana ECET 2017 Counselling in help line centers.

All original certificates and 2 sets of Xerox copies of the following
 TSECET-2017 Rank Card.
 TS ECET-2017 and Hall Ticket.
 Aadhaar Card.
 S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo.
 Diploma / Degree Memorandum of Marks.
 Diploma / Degree Provisional Certificate.
 Study Certificate from IV to Diploma (9th class to degree in case of B.Sc).
 Transfer Certificate (T.C).
 Income Certificate issued on or after 01.01.2017 by competent authority, if applicable.
 Integrated Caste Certificate issued by competent authority, if applicable.
 Physically Challenged (PH) / Children of Armed Forces Personnel (CAP) / National Cadet Crops (NCC) / Sports and Games / Minority certificate, if applicable.
 Residence certificate of either of parents in Telangana for a period of 10 years in case of Non-Local candidates.
 Residence Certificate of candidate for a period of 7 years preceding to qualifying examination in case where the candidate has no institutionalized education

These are the Original Certificates list to attend TS ECET 2017 Certificates verification in HLCs.

Telangana ECET 2017 Online web options entry Read Here
Telangana ECET 2017 Certificates verification dates rank wise dates Check here
Telangana ECET 2017 Counselling dates check here